Partner profile

With its headquarters in Leuven, Belgium and branches all over the world, the Materialise Group (MAT) is best known for its activities in the field of rapid industrial and medical prototyping. Apart from having the largest capacity of rapid prototyping equipment in Europe, MAT enjoys a worldwide reputation as provider of innovative software solutions. As such, MAT has acquired the position of market leader for 3D printing and Digital CAD software in addition to being a major player in medical and dental image processing and surgery simulation. Moreover, through its unique .MGX division for design products, Materialise is currently opening the market for customized Rapid Manufacturing. Hospitals, research institutes and clinicians use its medical and dental products worldwide.

Role in the project

The main MAT efforts links to extracting parameters for the patient-specific models from CT or MRI datasets that takes place in workpackage 2.


Materialise has significant experience in innovative software development and research for 3D imaging and planning software, such as Mimics, Surgicase CMF and Surgicase Orthopaedics. Materialise will provide know-how and expertise regarding image processing and analysis.

Materialise N.V. also has participated in a number of recent or current European grants, as project, cluster or workpackage manager or coordinator, including:  A-Footprint, DirectSpare (IP-213424-2), Custom-IMD (IP-026599-2), CustomFIT (IP-507437), Expertissues (NoE-500283-2) and Hypocrates (NMP3-CT-505758).


Dr. ir. Roel Wirix-Speetjens – Project Manager

Dr. ir. Lara Vigneron - Business Developer

Dr. Jan Scheper - Reserach Engineer

Dr. ir. Joris van Deun – Research Engineer


Additional information